Best Lesbian Erotica 2011 Read online

Page 6

  She moans, louder.

  “Shh,” I say. “Someone could come over here any second. We’re barely concealed.” I should be faster, this should be just three thrusts and it’s over, we’re in public for goodness’ sake, in a room full of people, barely concealed by shadow.

  But I’m waiting, again, now. I want to hear her beg. I want her tongue working again with language like it was just working against my cock.

  “Oh, baby, I want it so bad,” she breathes in my ear, pressing with everything she’s got against me. “I need you to fuck me, come on, you fuck me so good.”

  I keep circling, teasing the open hole of her cunt with my cock, and bring my thumb up to her mouth to circle and tease her mouth the same way. She gasps, gulps, tries to take it into her mouth, but I won’t let her.

  “You know I’ll do it. I’ll fuck you right, right here, against this wall, with all these people watching,” I growl low against her neck as I bite a little too hard, and she gasps, gives in. “You don’t even care that they can see, do you? You need it so bad.”

  “Please,” she says, and looks me right in the eyes, that look bordering on desperation, eyes wide, lips parted, a hint of a smile and so much wanting. “Please,” she says again, drawing out the vowels, and I give in.

  I murmur, “Yes, yes,” soothing, and slide inside her slow, so slow, but strong and all the way, tip to balls.

  The first stroke takes the longest and she’s moaning already, a long low sound that corresponds to my progress, and she breathes in when I get to the base, both of us tight, clenched, pulsing. She wants it hard, she wants it fast, and I know just how she likes it, but I’m taking my time, giving her every delicious inch, just how I like it.

  I can feel her everywhere.

  I pull almost all the way out, a little faster, and she gasps. I cover her mouth with mine in more of a controlling move than a kiss, to quiet her a little, but I don’t really care if people hear, or see, anymore. My hands are on her hips and I control how fast she moves against me; she’s writhing, trying to ride me faster, but she can’t; I keep her inches away from me, keep her shoved against the wall, hard, and control the depth and speed.

  “Fuck, oh, fuck,” I mutter. She squeezes me tight in resistance and desperation, and it gets me so hot, so hard, I start building up faster, harder.

  I place my hand over her mouth as she gets louder. I’m groaning too, fucking harder, and I just can’t keep her quiet when we get to this point, I can’t; she starts moaning and gasping and a few heads turn, but we’re oblivious to where we are. People steal glances over to our dark corner, squint, try to make out our figures, shifting their angle a little to get a better view, tapping their friends and nodding over toward us. I’m hoping my pants won’t fall down past my ass any farther, hoping her skirt is concealing us a little, her leg up and wrapped around my hip. I can only see the room from my peripheral vision, but Kristen has a good view, and she wraps her arms around my shoulders and looks out at the room as if for the first time, makes eye contact with someone, just for a second.

  She shivers. Runs her fingers through the hair on the back of my head, grips my shoulders.

  I can’t stop; I’m working in her harder, again and again, getting all worked up, and we lose ourselves in it. We forget where we are.

  Suddenly she’s close. So close. I can feel it, her legs shake and open in a different way. I wrap my arms around her tightly, shove inside her hard, fast, and she’s coming, suddenly, it washes over her without anticipation, just suddenly unleashed, muscles quivering and she’s gasping in my ear, trying not to yell, clawing at my shoulders. Her cunt grips so hard when she comes I have to work to stay inside, grunting a little; I can feel sweat on my neck and lower back from the exertion, and I press hard into her, I don’t let up, and she keeps coming, gasping one more time, surrendering, then releases against me with a long sigh.

  We stay wrapped in the bliss of it all for a minute longer until we notice a waiter approaching, doing rounds. Kristen straightens up a bit, smoothes her hair, her skirt; I step back and zip.

  “You two okay here?” he asks, as he does his drive-by.

  Kristen picks up her gin gimlet, catches my eye as she sips on it.

  “We’re great,” I say, and swig the rest of the melted ice in my glass of Jameson.


  Kirsty Logan

  I met Baba Yaga at the end of childhood—when I was past pigtails and fairy tales, but not quite ready to give up on make-believe. We had always known that she was there. She was the center of every scary story our parents told us. They said she had a thousand eyes and watched us as we slept; she had goats’ feet and a rooster’s beak and creepy-crawlies in her hair. She had a fence made of bones and a huge cast-iron oven for roasting nosy children. Every detail made us want to see her more. I dreamed of breaking through her hedge of thorns to find out what she kept at the top of her chicken-legged hut.

  “I dare you,” said my friend Emmy one night, and that was all it took. No double dare needed. At eighteen, it was very important to be louche.

  “Sure,” I said, my mind exploding with the secrets of the chicken legs and the goats’ feet. I could already picture Baba Yaga’s face, waxy lipstick smeared and hair a rosebush tangle.

  I knew Emmy had only dared me to get a reaction. We’d fooled around a few weeks before, and now she was being all weird, playing mind-fuck games. The way I saw it, she had started it all, plying me with booze stolen from her mum and sucking my tongue on the roundabout in the children’s playground. Everything was spinning so fast, I’d had to kiss her back to keep from falling off the edge of the world. Her mouth tasted of alcohol and peach lip-gloss. She kissed like a bank robber, like she was trying to get in and out as fast as possible. Even with the grope up my top and through the zip of my jeans, she was done before the roundabout had slowed to a stop. I’d wandered home, street-lit and frustrated, then rubbed my clit while thinking of Emmy straddling me on the swings: the heat of her; the soft skin; the secret wet places. And then it wasn’t Emmy but someone else, a woman, not a girl, older and stronger, knowledge seeping out of her and into me like the sweet drip of honey, and I came so hard, gasping out a name, and ever since then it had been weird between Emmy and me.

  Two weeks later, on a Tuesday night toward the end of the summer holidays, we were bored. It was August, still warm in the twilight of 9:00 p.m. We’d made the most of a bottle of Jack, passing it back and forth and sipping as we wandered the suburban streets. For a while we’d peeped in windows, but it was too early for anyone to be in bed, and that was the only room that interested us.

  It didn’t take long for us to bump up against the woods. They weren’t even woods really, just a few acres of scrubby trees bordering the town.

  “That’s where Baba Yaga lives,” said Emmy, her voice thick and slow from the alcohol. In my mind, Baba Yaga was the bitch goddess warrior queen. She terrified and fascinated me.

  “I dare you,” said Emmy, and I was lost.

  “When I come back, you’re buying the vodka.”

  “If you come back.” Emmy drained the bottle then pressed her lips against mine. The whisky burned, and I pulled away and walked into the woods without looking back. I pictured Emmy, so small among the trees with the empty bottle in her hand. She’d wait for me.

  I planned to walk to the other side of the woods, then come around the side and creep up on Emmy to give her a fright. She was pissing me off, but I still wanted to fuck her, and I figured making her squeal and jump into my arms was a good start.

  It should only take about twenty minutes to walk around the edge of the trees. I grinned at the thought of Emmy, still waiting there. She’d already be regretting her dare. She was probably wishing we were back at hers, sprawled on her bedroom floor, smoking joints and sliding our tongues into each other’s mouths. Even though we had to jump apart every time her mum thumped up the stairs, messing around with Emmy still did it for me. Once I’d given her a good
scare, maybe I’d let her take me home.

  It was darker there among the trees, and the sounds of the town were muted. I could smell wet earth and wood smoke. At first my progress had been stilted, every other step kicking into a bit of litter or clump of twigs, but the farther I got into the woods the clearer the way became. The humidity was getting to me, my T-shirt sticking to the small of my back. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my palm, feeling the burrs and bits of dead leaf stuck in my hair. Without realizing, I was walking more carefully, trying not to make the leaves crunch under my feet. The woods looked the same in every direction, and it seemed like darkness was falling faster. I started to wonder if I’d somehow turned myself around. Digging my feet down into the carpet of leaves, I closed my eyes and listened. Maybe if I could hear some noise from the town, I’d be able to figure out where I was. Soon I heard something that was not a night bird or a burrowing rodent or the distant murmur of traffic. It was the noise I had dreamed of Emmy making.

  I opened my eyes and crept toward the noise as quietly as I could. The moans and rustles grew louder, and I ducked down when I saw the gleam of naked skin. I held my breath and watched. Through the screen of thin branches I couldn’t tell what combination of male and female I was watching, but I knew the rhythm of that motion. The moaning turned into words, a vague mumbling, Oh-god-oh-god-oh-yes-oh-fuck. I shifted my position, squatting so that my heel pressed up against my swelling clit. I rocked as I watched, thinking about how Emmy was going to make those noises later when I slid my fingers inside her. I imagined the sweat on the couple’s skin, bellies sliding together as they thrust, the feeling of being filled, of slickness and hardness, and I pressed my heel harder against the knot of fabric in the crotch of my jeans, feeling it grind on my clit, and I thought about sucking earlobes and kissing throats and biting lips. I felt a pressure building, the air catching in my throat, the throbbing growing to a peak, and as orgasm shuddered through me like a wave across a rock, my foot slid out across the leaves.

  The couple stopped abruptly, jerking up like lions interrupted while feeding. Oh, shit, I’d been spotted. I tried to make my exit with the speed of running and the silence of creeping, somehow managing neither. After a few minutes I dared to look back—I was alone. I let out the breath I had been holding then inhaled the musty smell of the woods. For a while I leaned against a tree, feeling grounded by the bark scratching against my palm, until I was ready to move on. Sure, I had almost gotten busted for peeping, but that had only made me more eager to get back to Emmy and reenact what I had just seen. I let a smile slide onto my face and headed off in what I thought was the right direction.

  In front of me stood a concrete hut, long abandoned, covered in DANGER OF DEATH signs. The council must have abandoned it years ago—it had the unmistakable squalor of 1970s architecture. I barely glanced at the graying bricks before continuing. I was eager to get back to Emmy for our night of scaring, squealing, kissing and fucking. And that would have been that, except as I was walking past the door of the hut, it opened. Outlined in the doorway was a woman with a head of heart-red curls and arms full of chopped wood.

  “Oh,” she said. She looked at me for a moment, then stepped back inside the hut and closed the door.

  I stood stupidly, breathing the smells of rotting leaves and cool air, and stared at the closed door. Every time I blinked, I could see the afterimage of the woman: her red hair, her purple dress, her dirty bare feet. My head throbbed with alcohol and heat. For all I knew, there was probably some awful reason why the woman was lurking about in the woods in the dark. She could have been burying bodies; maybe she had a bloody axe to go along with that wood. Maybe she was waiting in her hut for some stupid kid like me to come along and be worm food.

  None of this stopped me from knocking on the door. For a long time nothing happened, and I was suddenly aware of how ridiculous I looked, slack-jawed and half drunk in my dirty jeans, knocking at the door of an abandoned hut in the middle of the woods. I looked like an artist’s reconstruction of a scene from a true crime book. Then the door opened.

  The woman was still holding the chopped wood in her arms. The lights behind her lit up her hair like a bloody halo. “Yes,” she said, “you saw me. You weren’t expecting it, and neither was I. So let’s just get on with our lives and pretend that this never happened.” She frowned, and it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I couldn’t let her close the door on me again.

  “You’re her,” I said. “Baba Yaga.”

  The woman raised her eyebrows and looked down at herself. “Do I look like I have goats’ feet and a rooster’s beak? This hut may be ugly, but it’s not on chicken legs. And I assure you that I don’t spend my nights riding around on a giant broom.”

  “Those are just stories they tell kids. Probably so we don’t come here and find you. Because you…”

  “Because I what?”

  Because you’re the bitch goddess warrior queen, I thought. “Because you want to be left alone,” I said.

  “And yet, here you are. Not leaving me alone.”

  I smiled with one side of my mouth, in a way that Emmy had told me was extremely fuckable. This seemed to be a universal feeling, because Baba Yaga smiled right back.

  “You might as well come in,” she said.

  Baba Yaga showed me around her home: the walls hung with saris and the cupboards full of books. She explained to me how she had soundproofed the walls and stolen a generator from a poorly guarded building site. Most of all, she told me how she had come to be the wicked witch: an eviction from her flat, a girlfriend running off with her boss, a three-days-drunk stumble through the woods. An empty hut, a new life. She told me how she had sewn stories around herself; a shroud of children’s nightmares to protect her from the world.

  I told her stories too. Her stories were about building things, making a life; mine were about emptiness and drifting. Just eighteen and done with school, done with parents; living in a squat and drinking my way along the suburban streets until the lights started to blur. I had come unmoored, but now I’d bumped up against her.

  When we’d finished talking, Baba Yaga kissed my throat and dragged me to bed. I had spent my childhood fantasizing about her—the images left in my head after my bedtime stories. I had dreamed of fairy tales, and she was better than all of it.

  I pulled off her dress, the bright fabric catching in her curls. I fumbled, laughed, was silenced by her mouth on mine. In one movement, she shook off her clothing and tore off mine. Her skin was hot and smooth. She licked her way down my body, her tongue as rough as a cat’s. I wouldn’t close my eyes, desperate to see every moment of her. She slid her hands under my hips and lifted me. I wrapped my ankles around her head and pulled her into me, but Baba Yaga only gave what she wanted to give. She pulled away, teasing me. On her knees at the end of the bed, she stretched her body out for me: the pink of her nipples, the soft weight of her breasts, the angles of her chin and wrists and calves. I could smell her cunt, a scent like the ground after rain.

  I crawled toward her on the bed, sliding my body under hers, pulling her down onto me. She was honey on my tongue. She was the poison apple, the kiss that would wake me. I slid my tongue inside her cunt, holding tight to her hips so the weight of her body was pressed onto me. She reached down and pulled on my nipples, rolling them between her finger and thumb. I sucked her clit into my mouth, licking her with the wide flat surface and the pointed tip of my tongue, her juices on every one of my taste buds. I did not stop until she shuddered out her orgasm and collapsed down beside me. With her eyes shut, she pressed her mouth against mine. I couldn’t stop smiling long enough for a proper kiss, so she changed tactics: nipping my bottom lip, kissing along my jaw, meandering a trail down to my nipple.

  When she finally slid inside me, I knew the end of my story. I never wanted to leave my bitch goddess warrior queen. I knew what happily ever after was, and I wanted to be a wicked witch too.

  By the time I got to the edg
e of the woods, Emmy had gone. I only went to tell her not to wait for me anymore, so when I saw that the street was empty, I turned around and went right back home. Back to Baba Yaga.

  Over the years, I sometimes wondered what had happened to Emmy; how long she’d waited that night before turning away from the woods; whether she’d come in after me or had just gotten bored, wandered off and forgotten. I wondered if she remembered that night in the children’s playground; those sticky, blurry kisses. I wondered whether she’d ever found her own witch to love.

  Parents still tell their children bedtime stories about two wicked witches, perched in their chicken-legged house, hiding away from the world.


  Kenzie Mathews

  Bella was pretending to sleep when I came in from painting class, artfully arranged on the couch like a Courbet nude. Her ass, apple-curl up, faced the door, her plump pale legs were spread in drowsy abandon; one arm was hanging off the couch, the other pressed beneath her, cradling her breast. Her long strawberry-blonde hair curled down her bare back like a golden river. I would have actually thought her sleeping if not for the glistening wet at her slightly opened pussy lips. She’d been fingering there, preparing herself while listening for my footsteps on the stair. She’d pushed herself to the edge, waiting for me.

  I dropped my paint box and carry easel to the floor and groaning, put my mouth on her there. Her musk, which had been growing colder, warmed under my lips and tongue. Moaning, Bella attempted to turn over, but I stopped her, my hand on her hip. Squatting at the end of the couch, my mouth never leaving her cunt, I lifted her thighs over my shoulder and I drank.

  Bella panted, one hand coming down to stroke her clit as I ate her, tongue darting inside her, teeth nibbling and sucking on her fat labia. My fingers joined my mouth, tugging at her piercings, stroking her clit as her wet fingers stroked my face, and my tongue licked upward, hungrily, at her round cherry clitoris. My cum-soaked fingers, gooey and warm, found her ass. Spreading it, they entered, slow and steady as my tongue continued to assault her clitoris, tickling it through the hood. Bella’s cunt bounced against my face, dampening my cheeks, my nose, my closed eyes with her cum. God, she could get so wet, the smell of her aroused cunt an intoxicating incense that set my own cunt in motion.